OAC Skinbased Media Assets Guide

License Agreement

This is a Licensing Agreement between OAC Finland Oy (OAC) and the authorized end user for use of Product Images and Videos, Marketing Materials, Sales Tools, and all other photographs and documents contained within OAC’s Brand Portal (collectively referred to “Brand Portal Materials”).

Please read and review the text below. By continuing, you agree to all the terms and conditions listed in the text below.

License Grant: Subject to the terms and conditions defined in this document, OAC grants you limited, non-transferable, revocable, non-sublicensable, and royalty-free right and license to access, download, use, and display Brand Portal Materials solely for the purpose of advertising and promoting the OAC brand and OAC merchandise through electronic media.

Rules: Some Brand Portal Materials may contain expiration dates. The expiration dates for Brand Portal Materials can be accessed by clicking on the image thumbnail. If a specified date is listed, upon reaching the said expiration date, you are required to promptly discontinue all usage of said materials and permanently remove all physical and digital duplicates, which includes, but is not limited to, any duplicates stored on a computer, server, or website. It is mandatory to provide a prominent and easily readable photo credit acknowledging OAC and the Photographer in the following format: "Photo Courtesy of OAC / Photographer Name." The utilization of Brand Portal Materials to endorse non-OAC products is strictly prohibited. These materials may not be employed in conjunction with any third-party merchandise, goods, products, or other content. However, you are permitted to utilize Photos for editorial reviews

(excluding advertisements) that mention third-party manufacturers, provided that the usage includes the appropriate photo credit, and the review predominantly focuses on the OAC brand or OAC products. With rare exceptions, the modification of Brand Portal Materials is not allowed. This prohibition encompasses any alterations, such as changing fonts or point types, blending or merging Brand Portal Materials with other images, and altering colors. Photographs may be resized, but it is imperative to maintain their original cropping and orientation (vertical or horizontal) to the greatest extent feasible. Only photographs labeled with “Add Text” may be modified, and only to add text in the designated location.

Ownership: You acknowledge that Brand Portal Materials are safeguarded by intellectual property laws and international agreements, and that these materials either belong to OAC or have been licensed to OAC. This License Agreement does not diminish or impact OAC's rights in the Brand Portal Materials in any manner, nor does it confer any rights to you except for those explicitly outlined in this agreement. Any usage rights not expressly granted to you through this agreement are explicitly retained by OAC.

Warranty: OAC offers these Brand Portal Materials as they are. OAC and its affiliated entities do not provide any assurances or guarantees regarding the Brand Portal Materials. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, OAC and its affiliates renounce all warranties, whether explicit, statutory, or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, (1) warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, title, absence of encumbrances, absence of liens, and non-infringement, as well as (2) warranties that arise from customary business practices and/or trade usage.

Liability Limitation: OAC and its affiliated entities expressly disavow any responsibility for indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages that may arise, be based on, or result from your utilization of the Brand Portal Materials under this license agreement. This disclaimer applies even if OAC or any of its affiliates has been made aware of the potential for such damages. These restrictions and exclusions are applicable irrespective of whether the damages result from (1) a breach of contract, (2) a breach of warranty, (3) negligence, or (4) any other cause, provided that such exclusions and limitations are not prohibited by relevant laws.

Miscellaneous: This License Agreement represents the comprehensive agreement between the parties concerning its subject matter and supersedes all prior or concurrent agreements between you and OAC relating to the Brand Portal Materials. Without prior written consent from OAC, you are not permitted to assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer this License

Agreement or any of the rights or responsibilities granted herein. OAC's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of that provision or the right to enforce it. All provisions within this License Agreement are separable, and the invalidity of one provision does not affect the validity of any other provision. If one or more provisions in this

Agreement are deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by arbitration or court, the remaining terms of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.